niedziela, 6 marca 2011

4 skins znowu zagrali dla faszystów!

4 Skins zagrali  (5-03-11) koncert w Rimini we Włoszech organizowany przez nazistów z organizacji Forza Nuova.
Sam zespół wystawił oświadczenie odnośnie zarzucanej mu współpracy z hitlerowcami ale koncertu nie odwołał pomimo ostrego sprzeciwu lokalnych antyfaszystów z Rimini.
Oświadczenie 4 Skins:

"We absolutely refute any accusations that the 4-skins are associated with any political organization right or left wing. Our own personal views are just that personal and do not impose them on any one else. We sing about everyday occurrences and real life situations in our own country and its political and social situation. We are absolutely anti nazi and will not be connected with anything to do with this and the same goes for any far left socialist/communist organizations. our fathers and forefathers fought and in some cases died in the war against fascists and Nazis. We cannot control who comes to the gigs but we hope people come for the music and beer and leave their political views at home.

please don't print fiction but get the facts
The 4-skins "

Tutaj mamy wiadomość wysłaną przez Antife z Rimini do 4 Skins w sprawie koncertu w Rimini;

Hi! We've read your message on and we want to explain why Rimini's citizens are mobilizing and protesting about the concert you will take part next saturday, March 5th. The citizens of Rimini don't want to accuse the bands to belong to a political party of the right wing. But unfortunately, people who organize this event, even if they use an apolitical Association of Music amateurs to present themselves to the city, are referable to "Forza Nuova" an Italian far right nationalist political party that define itself "neo-fascist", linked to European National Front and that supports also the Berlusconi government. (Italy) The citizens of Rimin want to oppose to attempts of this political area to open up space of freedom and consensus in the city, because they do not identify with their values of racism, xenophoby and fascism. Also they don't forget that these same people in the past tried to attempted an assault to set fire to a social space of left wing and other actions of racial hatred. That's the reason why Rimini protests. Rimini is anti-fascist!

Kapela ta używa starej wymówki jeśli chodzi o kapele podpisujące się pod apolityczność, że nie podpisują pod żadną stronę polityczną. Prawda jest niestety inna i trzeba być upośledzonym żeby łykać takie mydlenie oczu. Kapela otwarcie głosi prawicową politykę na swojej nowej płycie i już nie raz udowodnili kogo oczekują wśród publiki.

Jeśli jesteś zaangażowany w jakie kolwiek działania scenowe podaj dalej wiadomość o frajerach z The 4 Skins. Na scenie oi! punk nie ma miejsca dla faszystów i tym podobnego gówna!